Kieran has successfully defended her PhD

Kieran defended her Ph.D. with the title “Characterization of Host-Pathogen Interactions during Symptomatic P. falciparum Malaria in Malian Children” in early March. The Serre lab celebrated with Kieran’s Family and Friends at David’s house.


9th Future of Malaria Research Symposium

The Serre lab attended the 9th Future of Malaria Research Symposium at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health on October 13th. The event was organized by Postdocs and PhD students from the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute and the University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health’s Malaria Research Program. Kieran gave a talk to present her research from her Cambodian studies, and Rosita presented a poster to provide some insights into her peptide array analysis of P. vivax.

The Serre lab and da Silva lab from IGS and the lab from the Center for Vaccine Development and Global Health’s Malaria Research Program attended the Symposium.

The Serre lab at MPM 2023

David, Franck, and Brittany traveled to Woods Hole for the Molecular Parasitology Meeting from 17 to 21 September 2023. A conference full of great science, networking, and FUN! See you next year.

Brittany defended her thesis!

Brittany Hazzard successfully defended her PhD thesis in early September of 2023. The picture shows her and her mom super happy after the defense. The defense was followed by a great celebration with colleagues, family, and friends at David’s house.

Brittany worked on single-cell sequencing data from Plasmodium vivax.

Congratulations from the Serre lab!

The Serre lab is looking for a Postdoc

A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. David Serre in the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Our laboratory is interested in developing and applying novel genomic approaches to better understand the biology of malaria parasites. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to take the lead on genomic analyses of host/parasite interactions, using animal model or patient samples and state-of-the-art genomic approaches (including whole genome sequencing, single- cell RNA-seq and spatial transcriptomic). This postdoctoral position is supported by NIH awards and involves collaborations with researchers at NIH, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and in malaria-endemic countries. There are also opportunities for the successful candidate to develop her/his own independent projects.


A PhD in biology, parasitology, bioinformatics, genomics or a related field is required. Experience with working with large amount of genomic data would be an advantage but is not required.

How to Apply

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and CV to David Serre (

Friday Lab Hike

Brittany, Kieran and Janne went hiking in Great Falls Park this Friday and hiked the Billy Goat Trail Section A. Some climbing was also part of the hike.

PAraCon 2023

In July 2023, the Serre lab went to the Pennsylvania Parasitology Conference organised by Manuel Llinas and Scott Lindner in State College. The programme kicked off with drinks and a food truck on Friday evening at Manual Llinas’ garden. Saturday started with poster sessions where Brittany, Kieran and Janne were able to present their research. Afterwards there were various talks on different parasites, where David and Franck also had the opportunity to present. In between, there were plenty of networking opportunities and Penn State ice cream was a must. We had a lot of fun and look forward to next year. Thanks for the organisation.